Tag Archives: awesome power

Visualisation – Awesome Power

The everyday practise of visualising your aspirations as already full will speed up the achievement of those aspirations, goals , and objectives rapidly.
Visualization methods have been used for decades by successful individuals to envision their desired results.

The practise has also produced some high accomplishments that seem like super-powers, helping them develop their dream lives by completing one mission or task with hyper-focus and total trust at a time.

We all have this awesome power, in fact, but most of us have never been trained to make effective use of it.

Elite sportsmen use it. It is used by the super-rich. And peak performers now use it in all fields. Visualization is called the force.

The everyday practise of visualising your aspirations as already full will speed up the achievement of those aspirations, goals , and objectives rapidly.

Four very significant advantages come from using visualisation methods to concentrate on your expectations and desires.

It stimulates your creative subconscious which, in order to achieve your goal, will start producing creative ideas.

It programmes your brain to interpret and understand the tools you would need to fulfil your dreams more readily.

It triggers the law of attraction, thereby pulling the people, tools, and circumstances you will need to achieve your goals into your life.

It develops the inner drive to take the steps required to fulfil the dreams.

Visualization is very simple, indeed. You relax, close your eyes and imagine what you would be looking at if the dream you had was already realised, in as excruciating detail as you can. Imagine something inside yourself, staring out at the desired outcome through your eyes.

With the ‘Mental Practice’ Method, imagine
The visualisation method is called “mental simulation” for athletes, and since the late 1950s, when we heard about it from the north koreans, they have been using these techniques.

All you need to do is set aside the time a day. After meditation or devotion, and right if you want to go to sleep, the best experiences are when you first awaken. These are the moments when you are most comfortable.

Need to go through 3 components that follow:

Step 1. Assume sitting in a movie theatre and the lights are dim, and then the film begins. It’s a picture of you doing something you want to do effectively, whatever it is. See as much details as you can make, namely your hair, the expressions on your face, tiny body gestures, the atmosphere and any other individuals around you. Add commuters, music, other people talking, cheering, to any sounds you’d hear. And eventually, recreate any sensations in your body that you think you will encounter when you participate in this exercise.

STEP 2 . Get out of the chair, walk right up to the television, open the television window and look into the movie. Undergo entire thing from within yourself again now, looking out through your eyes. Instead of a “remote image”, this is called a “manifested image.” It will deepen the experience ‘s effect. Again, see in exquisite detail everything, hear the sounds you’d hear, and feel the emotions you’d feel.

Ste3. Slowly but surely, walk back from the screen that still flawlessly displays the image of you presenting, return to your seat in the theatre, reach out and grasp the screen and shorten it to a cracker ‘s size. Then, bring keep your mouth with this mini screen, chewing it up and eat it. Imagine that, much like a floating head, each tiny piece contains the complete image of you conducting well. Imagine all these little screens going down through your stomach and out through every cell in your body through the circulatory system. Then imagine that every organ in your body is illuminated up quite nicely with a film of you exercising. It is like one of those openings in the electronics store where 500 TVs are all synchronized to the same channel.

You can open your eyes and just go about your activities when you have completed this procedure, which should take less than 20 minutes. You will be surprised by how much change you will see in your life if you make this participation in everyday routine.

Creating Target Photos

Another important technique of visualisation is to create a series of pictures or image of yourself with your target, as if it were already accomplished. Take your camera down to your nearest auto company and get a picture taken of yourself riding in the back of your favorite car if one of your aspirations is to buy a new car. Find a picture or poster of the statue of liberty and cut out a photoshopped image of yourself and put it in the photo if your objective is to visit Paris.

Creating a visual image with affirmation

We definitely suggest that you find an image of every part of your dream life or build it. For every purpose you have, build an image or visual representation: economy, job, leisure, new skills and experience, stuff you want to buy, and so much more.

Index Cards

Each and every day, we practise a similar technique. We now have a list of approximately 30-40 priorities that we are supposedly working on. On a 3/5 index card, we start writing each target and hold those cards close to our bed and leave them with us when we fly. We have to go through hand of cards ever other morning and every night, one at a time, read the card, shut our eyes, see the fulfilment of that target for about 10 minutes in its perfect desired outcome, open our minds and repeat the cycle with the next card.

Using Affirmations

An affirmation is a declaration that conveys not just an image, but the feeling of getting what you really want currently. An illustration of an affirmation is here:

I’m comfortably vacationing in a luxury resort for 2 weeks off per year, and operating only four days a week running my own business.

Through giving an order to your squad and do what it needed to create that goal happen, voicing an affirmation multiple times a day helps you stay focused on your mission, enhances your determination, and programmes your subconscious.

Expect outcomes

You will produce impressive results by writing down your goals, using the power of imagination and repeating your everyday affirmations.

Visualization and affirmations help you to alter the most powerful figure in your life’s beliefs , assumptions, and perceptions. They empower you to leverage your brain’s billion brain cells and get them all functioning in a specific and premeditated direction.

Your subconscious will become active in a process that permanently changes you. The mechanism is unseen and does not take a long time. As long as you’re getting in the time to imagine and reinforce, exercise your practises, surround yourself with positive people, read enlightening books and listen to the audio programmes that fill your mind with positive, life-affirming thoughts, it all happens very quickly.

Unlock the subconscious mind

Visualization, seeing the objective as already complete in the eye of the mind, is a key practise used by the most effective people in the world. Visualization is successful because the influence of our subconscious mind is channelled by it.

In our subconscious mind, as we envision goals as total, it causes a tension between what we envision and what we actually have. By trying to construct a present environment that fits the one we have imagined, our minds are hard-wired to overcome such disputes.

Visualization stimulates the subconscious mind’s imaginative forces, encouraging it to work harder at developing solutions. You will also experience new levels of motivation and find yourself doing stuff that you would usually stop, but that will get you closer to achievement.

Live in present moment

Although it is important to have a regular visualisation practise, we don’t have to spend all day thinking about our goals for this technique to work. In reality, spending too much time visualising will take something vital from you, living in the moment.
Daily rituals help to establish the right balance between thinking about the future and living in the moment. Start by picking a time during which you’ll review your goals and visualize your success. Ideally, do this twice a day – first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed. The process typically will take 10 minutes or less.

If you meditate, guided or not, do your visualizations immediately after your meditation. The deepened state reached during Daily rituals help to establish the right balance between thinking about the future and living in the moment. Start by picking a time during which you’ll review your goals and visualize your success. Ideally, do this twice a day – first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed. The process typically will take 10 minutes or less.

If you meditate, guided or not, do your visualizations immediately after your meditation. The deepened state reached during meditation heightens the impact of visualization.

For greatest effect, read your goals or affirmations out loud. After each one, close your eyes and create the visual image of the completed goal in your mind. heightens the impact of visualization.

For greatest effect, read your goals or affirmations out loud. After each one, close your eyes and create the visual image of the completed goal in your mind.

Add sound, smells, and tastes to multiply the results. Most importantly, incorporate the thoughts and body sensations that you would experience if you had already accomplished your goal.

This is a powerful method for visualising.

Research has shown that images or scenes followed by intense emotion can remain trapped forever in our minds. During visualisation, the more enthusiasm, excitement and energy we gather, the more effective the effects will be.

Once each goal is visualised as complete, it’s time for release. Let your priorities go, and spend the remainder of the day in the present moment.

Be Immediately Present

An simple way to become present immediately is to concentrate on the sensations in the body. Focusing on our bodies and being in the past or the future at the same time is unlikely.

Some explanations are here. Right now, emphasis on your left foot. How do you feel? Pay a minute ‘s attention to the feeling. Then remember what your right foot feels like, and spend a couple of moments just enjoying the sensation. Huge congrats, if you can pay attention to your feet. You were totally there.

You can use one of the more basic visualisation strategies if you find your mind wandering to the future during the day. Only let go of any doubts that occur or worries. Transform your thoughts when you get there, to what you want the future to look like. Then put the moment back to your consciousness.

As the expression goes, “Life is a gift, which is why it’s considered the current.” To accomplish your goals, use visualisation strategies, but spend much of your time enjoying today’s gift.

Each night before bed for a month, follow your affirmations and they’ll become a fully automated part of your thinking … integrated into the very fibres of your being.